This young French brand, created by the talented fashion stylist Laure Tary-Joye and her husband Alex, offers homewear and baby textiles in the softest, skinfriendliest fabrics and most beautiful color shades.
„Moumout is a happy family that loves children. We want to offer them the best in quality, softness, durability, practicality and style, while preserving the environment. To protect the children’s sensitive skins from allergies and irritation, we use only high quality cotton labeled Oeko-Tex Standard 100. As well, unlike other children’s homewear products, ours are 100% chemical free, to help protect the children and the environment. Our products are all made within the European Union in Portugal by a family run business, and are controlled, inspected and packaged individually by hand. We are parents above all, and we have made these products the Moumout way…perfect for our children.“
I met Laure and Alex in Paris and immediately fell in love with their collection. Their pieces are a great example that everyday products can make your life more beautiful.
Great products soon to come